Cresent high school that’s what the name of my first school was. Like most of the school timings our school started at 8. now getting up at 7 is one uphill task for persons (friends will place aliens in place of persons here) like me. But still somehow I managed to get to school at 8. yeah! Parents helped me a lot from waking me up to dropping me to school…but hey its me who got to school.
As soon as I got inside, a lady instructed the crowd to move up towards the staircase we did or rather I followed everyone else. As soon as I started climbing the staircase, I realized I was not with my parents. I turned back to find them but I could not see anything other than the rush of other students. Horror struck me…I could not see my parents in the near surroundings. This is or was maybe the first time I felt loneliness. After of around 3 years of contact, this was the first time I was about to leave my Mom. How could I bear with that after all, mom the only person we love during our non schooling childish growth years…although Mom gets replaced by someone else as we grow to become an Adult…But One thing is for sure no one can replace MOM…(Love You MOM…)
Anyways so here I was standing on the staircase trying to find my mom, and then as the students on the staircase started getting less. I found her, she was there besides the gates with tears rolling down her cheek…and contradicting; finding her was the greatest joy of life. Of that small life…But this joy dint remain for long as some devil lady came to me and took me upstairs. I could not control my tears then. She continuously asked me about which class I was placed but the alien language she spoke, could not be understood by me. So I just stayed there crying…
I forgot when I stopped or why I stopped crying but what I remember is I was shifted from one class to other after every decade or so, as it seemed. Time went by very slowly and then they finally found me the perfect class to sit in...
After a few more of the decades finally the first day of school was over but not before I met my Mom as she came in to receive me from my classroom…Maybe this joy overtook the previous high that was scored that morning but this dint mattered right then coz I was finally with my Mom…