This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 6; the sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.
Bang ! Closed the door behind me. the sound echoed for a moment and then came the long stretched silence,with only the clock making its presence aware showed 23:30. I could not move, stuck to the same place as a statue..trying to find a way to move i started looking in my room, an inspiration from somewhere maybe could have helped me, but that was not case. my eyes located a brand new diary lying on the table it said year 2010...and i recalled it was 1st jan 2010.finally after staring at it for unknown moments i decided to write down the argument i just had with the family.usually i found writing the best way to put away the frustration.
While walking towards the table I started thinking when was the last time the same thing
happened with me and it occurred that it was just a few days back so this thing was working for only a few days. what was the use of it then i wondered it was just useless. i was sure the diary for the year 2009 was filled with similar moments hundreds of them so this was heading nowhere. i could not take this anymore. "you are useless, you don't deserve to stay in this house,and who is going to accept you like this outside, its better you end up your life. i would be glad if you do that" the words by my dad still hurting and what was my mistake, who was going to explain them that i was trying more than my best to cope up with the science field i had taken. i even tried to explain then i was better in other fields after i had failed my HSC last year. But now i could not take it anymore..I followed it up to find no other way Out...
The next day his dad was standing at a corner with the new diary just then a tear rolled up his cheek and fell on the new scribbled said Sorry DAD MOM, you left me with no other choice i decide to 'END MY LIFE...'
Hope Parents do understand that children do try their best too during their exams everyone cannot top every other field...let them follow and excel in what they like...
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.