You are sitting in a comfortable chair relaxing.. You realise the quientness around.. And In No Time you are deep in thoughts listening to The Silent Words... Let Them Speak for they will Surprise You..


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Monday, August 15, 2011 18 comments

FREE! The word that women love; okay let’s say we like it sometimes especially when they are attached to electronic gadgets and gizmos. Don’t we like it when we go to purchase a thing and instead come back home with totally worthless no of things...  (: P)
Free-dom people anything can happen. Especially when the free word combines with India and if to add women to the equation then...
INDEPENDECE DAY today and freedom struggle tomorrow... well most of us will be protesting tomorrow right!
What is freedom? Lets Google it and find out. Well nothing gets started without Google (here I declare there is god its GOOGLE [: D]) so Google search page gives us a hint, that the word freedom means free from almost everything, slavery, others power hold, work... a lots different for different reasons.
But People God does play jokes on us (read GOOGLE) ahh let me explain. FREEDOM in India is just a little redefined to suit certain elected candidates. (And yes we choose them)
Such people have the freedom to curb the law according to their needs. But don’t you worry they only intend to loot you with a big smile on their faces. They won’t harm you until you keep quiet. The day you complain you’re doomed. Ohh no no it’s not power or force it’s just free freedom.
Now if you think it’s your freedom to protest. You’re wrong. They will put you behind bars. And trust me people theses bars won’t have any bottles to serve you. Enough of freedom I guess. We should get free of it.

Do you ever feel that you are free? No burden .no pressure. Just you. As you are. No thoughts. No inner voice. Just plain you trapped   in your body.
Being a child you are never free to exercise your powers body and senses. The moment you are about to something extreme, climb a staircase, touch the burning lamp, eat some chillies. (That’s extreme when you are a child!) ta da! Parents come in between. As if they know better... I recall a comic strip in which a lil boy asks his father”DAD, HOW DO SOLDIERS KILLING EACH OTHER SOLVE THE WORLDS PROBLEM! His father is shocked; he can’t make up his mind on what to say. When this lil boy gets no answer he walks away saying ”I THINK THE GROWN UPS JUST ACT AS IF THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING”[FROM CALVIN AND HOBBES]
So we are never free from the pressures. Social, Parents, Teachers. Get good marks, get good job, and get good salary. Everything good then. Otherwise go to hell loser.
Oh it’s easier said than done, do they realise it. Money. A practical EVIL MONSTER created by us. With no superhero against it. It was created for better running of society. But in due course it has turned severely complicated.
Have you felt the power of freedom? Freedom from this world of materials. Have you ever felt that your senses are the only things in this world? You and just your body, the feeling that you are alone, but it never scares you.
The heart beating out of bounds yet there is nothing scary but just beauty around you. The feeling when there is no sound yet you hear, sounds that were unheard, and this too not scary.
Now some of you might say I have gone insane and be taken to hospital the special one off course but that’s what am talking about being insane. So let me ask you
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Happy Independence Day!

The Other Day

Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, June 11, 2011 9 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 21; the twenty-first edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

The minute hand was slowly approaching 12 and the hour hand was just exactly where it was supposed to be all through this day, at 8. I got up from my cubicle and to my surprise the hustle and bustle to the end of the day had already started. And just an hour ago, it seemed no one is there. All submerged into their work. Racing against time to complete work today.
But all this sudden change had to mean something right! Yeah! It meant we were having the long awaited holidays from this pile of office work. Quite unusual for an office to remain close for a full 5 days. And to top it all we had no research to carry forward to my holidays.
Normally people won’t find the excitement behind this happiness in the environment but let me tell you, working in this particular office was no less than working in hell. But as like everyone I could not resist to accept the bucket full of money they were paying me.

Calm and relaxed that how I felt sitting on the couch in my house. But I must have thought that a little bit loud as “Let’s go out to some random place and spend the holidays... ”, she said, before I could enjoy the glass of water that was offered to me.

“Ahh! Why not!” I said, just so as not to lose the just found and restored calmness in my mind. Because you know how wife can be, right! They can never take a no straight away. It has to be induced in their mind by inception I guess. They have this wonderful mechanism of not accepting the facts present and creating non existing facts. So to keep the existing calm I said yes...

But let me warn you, never ever underestimate your wife. “Okay we are leaving in an hour then. I have packed our bags and we are ready to go as soon as you say you are ready.” She said super excited.

Damn! Now where did that card come from? Let me guess, it was not a part of the deck. I was planning to play... I had lost with just one turn. No that was not just possible. But it was happening all right!

Now I had to say something that was supposed to take the calmness away from me. But that was my last chance.”Why don’t we plan, first and then go with it. It would be better if we do that. Don’t you think so? see am not saying no, it is just that we should plan to avoid inconvenience an”. I played that card just to buy me some time. And I hoped it to work otherwise I had no choice left but to just go with it...

“Yeah! Right you never said no, it’s just that you need time to decline the idea of going. You would take time in planning, and when that’s finally done we will be left with no time to go. Yeah, You are right! “, she said all furious.

Oh Man! I was surely loosing this...”Okay just give me a few minutes will you?”

You take you own time, said the voice as the door slammed shut behind her. I had surely lost this.
And here I was in some location unknown. Okay I knew it but could never spell it. But we had got here after long hours of sorry and we must leave right now pleading...
And to my surprise the place was amazingly beautiful. We were near a cliff with not more than a few houses and few hotels around. Trees and plants filling every possible place with green. And the flowers providing the occasionally needed disturbance in the green. The air around was so fresh and pure we could easily smell the flowers spreading the magic in the air. Just as I was talking smaller steps towards the cliff edge, I realised I was in heaven. The sea in front of me was just emerging.

And that was it. I was in heaven. And the peace and calmness in my head returned just like the other day...

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Sunday, April 03, 2011 10 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 19; the nineteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Life is a journey. It’s not where you travel to. It’s the route you take for your journey. Life is a climb. It’s not about the view from the top. It’s about the things you learn during the climb.

Is journey displacing yourself from one place to another? For that we may have a word Travel. But then what is journey.

Mostly people tend to travel through their life to reach a particular aim, destiny, destination, even designation. And do we need to talk of the route. It’s the same one, everyone takes... But what we need to do is to take a journey to that place that aim and that destination.

You may reach your destination, while travelling but what have you gained with it! Let us take an unplanned journey into Life. Why do we need to have a planned travelogue? Why does one require seeing himself 10, 20, 40 years ahead of time?

Let us for a moment think about the unplanned journey we took before. It may be about giving way to the bike till the petrol went dry. Some about the unheard places. Some about strangers turned friends.

Have you ever reached a place and asked the local the name of the place. It’s always so fun so amazing a thing to do. Might be even better a feeling than of India winning the world cup.

But jokes apart. Everything seems so much fun then why do people want you to travel and not take journey.
Maybe we have a very good reason behind it. What I say, might have been a huge mistake in the past and hence such thinking ceased to come forward in time. Maybe or maybe not.

Wish I Had Wings
But at this moment, I don’t want to know if am right or wrong or even the past. I don’t. I don’t need a plan. I don’t want to travel. I need to fly, and I need to fly high...

Take my own leap into the clouds and disappear into them going distances only to reach a place unheard, unseen. A place only imagined. Whatever it maybe. But I need to fly...


The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, March 05, 2011 3 comments

Change is just simple word. Do you desire a change in your life? Ever? Well there is the science which will tell you, we always resist change. Is that the case always?

Maybe maybe Not… it’s like plucking out leaves from a branch to decide Love me love me not…

Normally in a difficult situation. One would go for a change…But what does actually change... people, behavior actions, and situations????

We resist change coz we are scared? Is it? Difficult one to answer I guess. Must we not go for a change? Coz if it were not for the people of Egypt. Their government wouldn’t have changes. Change brings with it the hope of Goodness, the hope that with change will come improvement. But resisting won’t help. Right Go for a change.

Like when I first heard the change in blogaton. I was worried. And during the next few days when things dint move. I would not have voted for change. But then Change needs to come, I thought. Maybe this Change will bring something more interesting, and more difficult to resist…     

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.