FREE! The word that women love; okay let’s say we like it sometimes especially when they are attached to electronic gadgets and gizmos. Don’t we like it when we go to purchase a thing and instead come back home with totally worthless no of things... (: P)
Free-dom people anything can happen. Especially when the free word combines with India and if to add women to the equation then...
INDEPENDECE DAY today and freedom struggle tomorrow... well most of us will be protesting tomorrow right!
What is freedom? Lets Google it and find out. Well nothing gets started without Google (here I declare there is god its GOOGLE [: D]) so Google search page gives us a hint, that the word freedom means free from almost everything, slavery, others power hold, work... a lots different for different reasons.
But People God does play jokes on us (read GOOGLE) ahh let me explain. FREEDOM in India is just a little redefined to suit certain elected candidates. (And yes we choose them)
Such people have the freedom to curb the law according to their needs. But don’t you worry they only intend to loot you with a big smile on their faces. They won’t harm you until you keep quiet. The day you complain you’re doomed. Ohh no no it’s not power or force it’s just free freedom.
Now if you think it’s your freedom to protest. You’re wrong. They will put you behind bars. And trust me people theses bars won’t have any bottles to serve you. Enough of freedom I guess. We should get free of it.
Do you ever feel that you are free? No burden .no pressure. Just you. As you are. No thoughts. No inner voice. Just plain you trapped in your body.
Being a child you are never free to exercise your powers body and senses. The moment you are about to something extreme, climb a staircase, touch the burning lamp, eat some chillies. (That’s extreme when you are a child!) ta da! Parents come in between. As if they know better... I recall a comic strip in which a lil boy asks his father”DAD, HOW DO SOLDIERS KILLING EACH OTHER SOLVE THE WORLDS PROBLEM! His father is shocked; he can’t make up his mind on what to say. When this lil boy gets no answer he walks away saying ”I THINK THE GROWN UPS JUST ACT AS IF THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING”[FROM CALVIN AND HOBBES]
So we are never free from the pressures. Social, Parents, Teachers. Get good marks, get good job, and get good salary. Everything good then. Otherwise go to hell loser.
Oh it’s easier said than done, do they realise it. Money. A practical EVIL MONSTER created by us. With no superhero against it. It was created for better running of society. But in due course it has turned severely complicated.
Have you felt the power of freedom? Freedom from this world of materials. Have you ever felt that your senses are the only things in this world? You and just your body, the feeling that you are alone, but it never scares you.
The heart beating out of bounds yet there is nothing scary but just beauty around you. The feeling when there is no sound yet you hear, sounds that were unheard, and this too not scary.
Now some of you might say I have gone insane and be taken to hospital the special one off course but that’s what am talking about being insane. So let me ask you
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Happy Independence Day!
...and there's the million dollar question again...sigh!!
i guess that question really has no answer..the meaning of 'free' changes with time and age...
loved the easy flow of your post..makes one reflect on it long after reading it :)
you can read my entry for BAT-23 here---
thats some serious philosophical discussion :D
Do check out my entry at Free? To do what exactly?
Wandering Thoughts
awww nikhilll!
im soooo disappointed! :(
u created such a grand build up wid d title n d dont miss it tag line, ki i was waitin wen id finish d odr posts to cum read urs. in fact id even made a mental image of a barber story.
dis is sumthin quite diffrnt :o
now dat im done wid d drama of tellin hw upset i am, ill move over to d post-
i love d breezy feel of it.
also, a line up dere whr u sed, 'i declare there is god its GOOGLE'.
u kno, wen i was in bombay jus abt 2 months ago i went to my frns plac n dere was a church overlookin her hous.
beneath d name of d church dere was a tag line like thing dat read
- 'Google doesn't hav all d answers.'
ya modern thinkin fr a church i say bt u get d point rite? ;)
i belv ive typed a lot so wil stop. n BREATHE!
Freedom is not necessarily doing what you is being able to do anything without anyone judging you..
Nice post. All the best for the contest. Here's my entry
Them Slaves
Nice philosophical analysis. Enjoyed reading but Sadiya is right. From the title it seemed like it was going to be comdey and turned out serious instead. All the best for the Blog-a-ton. You can find my entry here
In search of Freedom
a different take on the concept Nikhil. Loved the post a lot man... Good luck for Blog-a-Ton.. Free... Are we?
Someone is Special
@Pri : Glad you liked it, tried out something different this time. the concept being free i never reread or edited any line or thought in this post. Just the free flow of words and thoughts :)
@ Aashish Sood : I hope that serious philosophical discussion made some sense :)
@Sadiya Merchant : Am sorry you thought of it as a barber story but the truth is that you were the one most close to getting an free haircut(am not sure if you needed one :P). actually i thought many would pull their hairs while reading this... coz you see i took this free thing too seriously and so this post came out straight from the heart without filteration of any kind...
So Congrats you were that close :D
and about the breezy feel well am not sure if i understand that feeling :P (ohh god i need to filter comments at least but free thing is just too much into my head...)but anyways anything better than disappointment..
Google doesnt have all the answers thats hard to beileve... but if google is not god i can be ONE :D
and yeah got the point(yaay i understand something)
Finally i too have written too much... BREAK :)
@CRD : very well put... we should tell that to google :)
@THE FOOL : Sorry i made you the fool but given your name... am glad that happened :P
Well as i said my reason for naming the title was somewhat different. i never meant it to be comedy. Sorry if could not deliver the comedy to you
Good that we are free to give any title to our post this time :-)
To answer your question, i am not free.
And ironically, it is this very answer that gives me some measure of freedom.
And then, the realisation of this meagre measure of freedom binds me back into the vortex!!!
Its like the concept of Shunya in Hindu metaphysical thought-the moment you realise you have attained it, it vanishes !
And,in case i did not say it, LOVED your post ! ;)
I am free to post a comment here to the anwer of ur question..he he eh
good one..
Aah...the eternal tussle between freedom and loneliness. You try to escape, you never can. But when you're 'free', you aren't in the real's loneliness.
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Here's the link: The Tablet Revolutionary
Fantastic analysis! got a free haircut :p
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