You are sitting in a comfortable chair relaxing.. You realise the quientness around.. And In No Time you are deep in thoughts listening to The Silent Words... Let Them Speak for they will Surprise You..


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Sunday, November 07, 2010 12 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 16; the sixteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

...The fan on the roof was spinning with a strange sound. i was in a small room. Everything appeared to be white around. the room had this queer smell, like a lot of chemicals were being mixed together. This smell was making me sick. But i could easily shift my concentration from the smell as a new high amount pain rushed to my neck and vanished. It was as if someone had pricked me with several needles at once. Now again taking in that smell i wondered what woke me up. the smell, the sound or the pain. before anything could strike my mind. I felt dizziness griping me.I felt weak and gone, everything around me was black. I could not move my eyelids...

...There I was driving on the road with some insane speed. The thoughts of my new record hrs on the MiG were still ringing in my mind. I was very happy. And out of nowhere something weird happened. I heard a loud sound. And the next moment i lost control over the bike. my bike was shaking uncontrollably. And again the loud sound. The feeling of flying, the strike on the neck and complete numbness  

...Again I was in my white room, now i could easily see the bandages over my body.  But I could not feel them. Dint knew how many doses of medicine my body had taken. I dint know for how many months was I in that condition...

...It was two years since my accident on the road. I could not say I was in better shape now. Because I was not, I had lost both my legs forever. Now the wheelchair would be my companion forever. My dream of flying and fighting for my country, all now a distant memory. I had lost everything. My  family years ago. My  friends. My confidence.  My dream. My life.  I had nothing left except death...but I knew I had to fight

...It was a year since my discharge from the hospital. It was toughest year of my life. Never did I have to depend upon anyone for my living. But that had changed drastically over the year. But I learnt a lot from that trying year. At the beginning giving up seemed the best thing to do. But now everything seemed different. I was enjoying my second life. I had found my passion for writing. Now I could sit and write and relax through it. I had been given a chance to live again...

...Now I knew. Sometimes we never have an option, you just have to let go. And let be found by life. Its not how you take events and situations in life. What matters is how you celebrate life, no matter in what form...

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

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Hi Nikhil,

Is this real, is it a fact? Is this you?

Well, if it is and not a work of fiction, I admire you for the strength and courage to go on with life and for sharing us this story of yours. You are brave, and finding life after the accident is worth celebrating.

Yes, continue to write, you have a talent...;-)

All the best!

U met with an accident?! Celebrating and thanking the lig\f we have is the utmost celebration ojne can have! True na?

Is dat friction??? or Is that real???
great courage shown here..!!!

All the best :)
Here is my celebration:
Ms. Meduri- Celebrations

Your post is extremely close to reality..

Gud luck

@ all

sorry getting to you so late...

ya first of all, the story is inspired from a real story...actually i learnt a story "AIRBORNE TO CHAIRBORNE" in my SSC...i just remembered that and tried to right one...
Now that everyone started asking, i tried to find out the lesson on the net and so here is the link...AIRBORNE TO CHAIRBORNE

Now read that and tell me whats celebration...

Very well narrated as if you have faced it.All the best for BAT

Very well narrated and the best part is the conclusion. No matter what you face in life, have the courage to live through the celebration of being alive. All the best.

Like everyone else said,
if it not fiction and truth then , Kudos Buddy.
Very well narrated

Do drop by at my blog too

every moment of every day..celebrate!! all the luck!!

Read through the link you have provided and tried to assimilate the pain and fortitude that you have so deftly conveyed in your words.
True,life is harsh and even truer, life is what we make of it, just as you have said.
There are countless examples where people have overcome or atleast overlooked hurdles and handicaps to reach for what they wanted, be it Douglas Bradley, Hellen Keller or even our own APJ Abdul Kalam.
For a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for.

Very true. But life moves on, and so should we.

I love yr blog is very neat and clean and I loved the contents too...congrats with yr new blog!!!