You are sitting in a comfortable chair relaxing.. You realise the quientness around.. And In No Time you are deep in thoughts listening to The Silent Words... Let Them Speak for they will Surprise You..


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, December 04, 2010 16 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 17; the seventeenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

     When we were born, different colors were a mystery, different sounds were mystery… when we slowly figured out these things… people around started to be a mystery… when we figured out that people around us are mom and dad… we were forcefully placed in a greater mystery… a place full of mysterious people and this time without mom and dad… as we slowly started unfolding our school… we were pushed towards another mystery ‘books’…  well some got hang of it, some excelled and some like me never got it. As we grew up, the world around us started opening up… parents, relatives, neighbors, city, shops, chocolates and many more… Every mystery revealed to us at the right time!!


  All along this journey, we were slowly being introduced to mysterious world of emotions… love, hate, happiness, sorrow, grief.  When we were in our youths we experienced max. emotions, coz that’s when we were open to everything. No matter what we are then… love, betrayal, hatred, and what not… we also started understanding relationships then…

     We again grew up, started understanding responsibilities, our family, our kids, their mysteries… and then one day back to childhood, well back to being a child, only with an older body…

And thinking back… life is a mystery, don’t try too hard to solve it… maybe mysteries are meant to be enjoyed by their way and not by solving them… “HAPPY MYSTERIES!!!”


The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Sunday, November 07, 2010 12 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 16; the sixteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

...The fan on the roof was spinning with a strange sound. i was in a small room. Everything appeared to be white around. the room had this queer smell, like a lot of chemicals were being mixed together. This smell was making me sick. But i could easily shift my concentration from the smell as a new high amount pain rushed to my neck and vanished. It was as if someone had pricked me with several needles at once. Now again taking in that smell i wondered what woke me up. the smell, the sound or the pain. before anything could strike my mind. I felt dizziness griping me.I felt weak and gone, everything around me was black. I could not move my eyelids...

...There I was driving on the road with some insane speed. The thoughts of my new record hrs on the MiG were still ringing in my mind. I was very happy. And out of nowhere something weird happened. I heard a loud sound. And the next moment i lost control over the bike. my bike was shaking uncontrollably. And again the loud sound. The feeling of flying, the strike on the neck and complete numbness  

...Again I was in my white room, now i could easily see the bandages over my body.  But I could not feel them. Dint knew how many doses of medicine my body had taken. I dint know for how many months was I in that condition...

...It was two years since my accident on the road. I could not say I was in better shape now. Because I was not, I had lost both my legs forever. Now the wheelchair would be my companion forever. My dream of flying and fighting for my country, all now a distant memory. I had lost everything. My  family years ago. My  friends. My confidence.  My dream. My life.  I had nothing left except death...but I knew I had to fight

...It was a year since my discharge from the hospital. It was toughest year of my life. Never did I have to depend upon anyone for my living. But that had changed drastically over the year. But I learnt a lot from that trying year. At the beginning giving up seemed the best thing to do. But now everything seemed different. I was enjoying my second life. I had found my passion for writing. Now I could sit and write and relax through it. I had been given a chance to live again...

...Now I knew. Sometimes we never have an option, you just have to let go. And let be found by life. Its not how you take events and situations in life. What matters is how you celebrate life, no matter in what form...

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Image Courtesy:

The Halt

Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, October 02, 2010 8 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 15; the fifteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

There I was leaning onto one of the columns on which, stood the enormous structure. Which basically had a big roof with some added rooms underneath and few raised platforms. Just then I heard a loud voice Speaking above me. The Voice was coming from the Big Speakers fastened to the column. This seemed to amuse the nearby children, how happy they were to be at such a place. The excitement, eagerness was
Easily visible due to the glow on their faces. Watching them I went back in history, the first time I came to a railway station. It was so much fun. It was amazing a feeling to notice the pictures in your textbook to
Come alive... as I was just beginning to drift away in memories, the loud voice erupted again. She was with news; the voice just informed us that the train I was to board was running 30 minutes late.

An unexpected halt at the station, great I thought. Let’s find a place to sit, I thought. There was an empty bench nearby. I thanked god this station was not overcrowded with people. Finding my way through the kids  Who had started playing around by now, I reached the bench. There I sat alone, a lonely soul as always looking lost in thoughts. So lost that a normal person would certainly declare me a fool. Lost deep in thoughts I  Felt something vibrating on my body. Only to find the Cell phone vibrating. Cell phones are just nuisance sometimes, I thought. But had to take that call was from my best friend.

''Okay. When I have the answer to your question I will definitely let you know hey don’t you worry. Everything will be fine. It’s just a hard time it will pass by.  . Take care. It will be fine..." saying this I hung up the Phone. I was clueless about what the answer to her question was. I was not sure even what the question was. But one thing was for sure, I had to find an answer to her question. It was the least I could do to help her  Out of this painful situation.

Thinking about the situation she was in. One way she had the past. It was a perfect relationship. Everyone said they were made for each other. But somewhere in the middle of the perfect relationship things started
Going wayward. Slowly it went out of hand and sadly they separated. This Past had always came back to haunt her. Even years after, she still shivered on thoughts from the pasts...And On the other hand was her
Future. But the future showed her no promise. She still had some glimpses of past with her so the future never looked a good prospect. Everything was misplaced. It was an unsolved Jigsaw puzzle. But it had to turn  Good at the end. But where the hell was this good end...

I was feeling numb. She had asked me to help her select a way. But I felt both ways were the same, they dint have that happy ending everyone looked for. Glancing around, I saw a train coming. It was moving very
Slowly. Then it came to a halt. People got down from it and left. But the train dint move again. I was staring at it. And a sudden joy gripped me; I had found the answer...

She was at a station in her Life. She just had to ensure she took a good halt before moving on. She just had to ensure that she doesn’t take a bad decision  only just to move on...LIFE would certainly move on but she had  To make sure she was moving onto the right path... I was just about to call her for the answer, but my train had arrived. It seemed my halt was over and it was time for me to move on...Hoping to take the right  Train in my life I hopped on...

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, August 07, 2010 14 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 13; the thirteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Goodbye a word which must be hated by the lovers, a word loved by the students,a word feared by the employees, word which appears evil monster for children. Lovers tend to curse time, students taste freedom again when the teachers bid goodbye after the last lecture. Small children begin to cry if someone bids a goodbye to them. Such are the colours of goodbye...

There are many instances in life when we knowingly say goodbye to people, things. When we leave college or some random hangout place, we say goodbye to friends knowing that we will meet them the next day or someday. But sometimes goodbye is used unknowingly or lets just say goodbye happens...HOW ?

Do you remember the last time you rubbed the thermocol piece on a rough wall and enjoyed watching the snowballs out of it. Do you remember the last time you heard a bed time story from your mom. Do you remember the last time you had food fed to you by your mothers own hand. these and many more happen to be memories, habits of our childhood. But even we wont be able to say when we unknowingly said goodbye to these sweet habits.

No one knows when we do a things like that for the last time, when we are unknowingly saying goodbye to some thing we loved. the same happens with people. So what can we do about it ? Well i say enjoy everything you do as if you are doing it for the last time. we never know when someday life says GOODBYE to us unknowingly...

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

What If You Were My Valentine ?

Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Wednesday, February 10, 2010 5 comments

What if i could just have a peek in your heart ? what would i notice ? would i be finally able to find the simple thoughts in you and solve the complex thoughts in me.Or would i find some more complexities as of now.

What if you understood how much i care for you. would you care back or be the same. would it matter if i told you its your silence which hurts more. what if I could understand...a little of you more..

What if i could find out what you feel about me.would it hurt more than it does now without you. what if you felt the same as i do for you. what if you could find the silent meaning behind my words.

what if i wont have to find reason to give a hi and hope for an reply.what if you could understand me better. what if i could be with you. what if the words were spoken and it was you who would be my valentine...What If ?

P.S-This Topic was meant to be part of Blog-a-ton 7, but could not be...Got Late..

Me An Idiot For You - (Blog-a-ton 6)

Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, January 09, 2010 35 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 6; the sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Bang ! Closed the door behind me. the sound echoed for a moment and then came the long stretched silence,with only the clock making its presence aware showed 23:30.  I could not move, stuck to the same place as a statue..trying to find a way to move i started looking in my room, an inspiration from somewhere maybe could have helped me, but that was not case. my eyes located a brand new diary lying on the table it said year 2010...and i recalled it was 1st jan 2010.finally after staring at it for unknown moments i decided to write down the argument i just had with the family.usually i found writing the best way to put away the frustration.

While walking towards the table I started thinking when was the last time the same thing
happened with me and it occurred that it was just a few days back so this thing was working for only a few days. what was the use of it then i wondered it was just useless. i was sure the diary for the year 2009  was filled with similar moments hundreds of them so this was heading nowhere. i could not take this anymore. "you are useless, you don't deserve to stay in this house,and who is going to accept you like this outside, its better you end up your life. i would be glad if you do that" the words by my dad still hurting and what was my mistake, who was going to explain them that i was trying more than my best to cope up with the science field i had taken. i even tried to explain then i was better in other fields after i had failed my HSC last year. But now i could not take it anymore..I followed it up to find no other way Out...

The next day his dad was standing at a corner with the new diary just then a tear rolled up his cheek and fell on the new scribbled said Sorry DAD MOM, you left me with no other choice i decide to 'END MY LIFE...'   

Hope Parents do understand that children do try their best too during their exams everyone cannot top every other field...let them follow and excel in what they like...


The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.


101 Ways to Make Your New Year Happy (P.S- Its Not Fake)

Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Friday, January 08, 2010 4 comments

Happy New Year 20 10


     I know its bit late to wish you a New Year as we head into the 2nd week of the new year...but anyhow i believe its never late to wish so [:P] HAPPY NEW YEAR...

     As for the New Year I have changed my blog title from 'LIFE & ME' to 'THE SILENT WORDS'. its long time that i have been trying to search for a title and finally i found one; mind you, did not stole it..the title just happened to hit me refer strike me. But i am sure this not the title that would last  for long... coz am sure the search for the title is still on in my mind it just took a  last seat for some time now..and wait for the new template as well trying to search out the web for it... found a few lets see what comes on good.  Enough of my talk enjoy the New Year...

   ...And Be Sure To Follow The Above Instructions To Make A Better 2010...

And Ya about the 101 ways...well follow your heart and you will find more than that..