You are sitting in a comfortable chair relaxing.. You realise the quientness around.. And In No Time you are deep in thoughts listening to The Silent Words... Let Them Speak for they will Surprise You..

Me An Idiot For You - (Blog-a-ton 6)

Posted by Nikhil Patokar On Saturday, January 09, 2010 35 comments

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 6; the sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Bang ! Closed the door behind me. the sound echoed for a moment and then came the long stretched silence,with only the clock making its presence aware showed 23:30.  I could not move, stuck to the same place as a statue..trying to find a way to move i started looking in my room, an inspiration from somewhere maybe could have helped me, but that was not case. my eyes located a brand new diary lying on the table it said year 2010...and i recalled it was 1st jan 2010.finally after staring at it for unknown moments i decided to write down the argument i just had with the family.usually i found writing the best way to put away the frustration.

While walking towards the table I started thinking when was the last time the same thing
happened with me and it occurred that it was just a few days back so this thing was working for only a few days. what was the use of it then i wondered it was just useless. i was sure the diary for the year 2009  was filled with similar moments hundreds of them so this was heading nowhere. i could not take this anymore. "you are useless, you don't deserve to stay in this house,and who is going to accept you like this outside, its better you end up your life. i would be glad if you do that" the words by my dad still hurting and what was my mistake, who was going to explain them that i was trying more than my best to cope up with the science field i had taken. i even tried to explain then i was better in other fields after i had failed my HSC last year. But now i could not take it anymore..I followed it up to find no other way Out...

The next day his dad was standing at a corner with the new diary just then a tear rolled up his cheek and fell on the new scribbled said Sorry DAD MOM, you left me with no other choice i decide to 'END MY LIFE...'   

Hope Parents do understand that children do try their best too during their exams everyone cannot top every other field...let them follow and excel in what they like...


The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.



It hurts to read about such incidents. The newspapers are full of such cases these days. It'd be great if the message you have tried to convey actually reaches the weaker souls and wakes them up! Good message in the end!Good luck with BATOM 6!

Unfortunate story. Hope it gets rarer. While pushy parents need to learn to accept the realities and love their kids for what they are, hope the youngsters can find it in them to talk to someone and reach out for help and not feel this drastic step is the only resort..

PS : The paintings in the top banner are by you ? One even looked like a self portrait/caricature . They are powerful !

We read about such incidents in the paper everyday. Good job to bringing out the story behind these incidents.

WE need to approach this issue more sensitively. Blaming parents for entirely is not right. We need to change the system which drives parents to push their wards to such an end.

Loved your new template. U have laid it out well.

Such a morose story. Harsh reality, isn't it? My stomach churns whenever I read such a write-up. If only they are understood...
Very well written.

Its so sad that parents are making it so hard for the children....
well written

I hate such people who end their life instead of fighting whatever situation they face. :-/
Anyways nice post. All the best. :)

Oh! A very sad and painful tale!! Hope parents have realistic expectations from their kids based on their capabilities. And hope no kid ever resorts to such an extreme step.
Very well narrated!!

Recently, I had done a 55 Fiction on this subject.

Well written and Hard Hitting!

Dude I suggest you delete this post as soon as possible... Or ppl may read this and get "inspired" to suicide and the blame will land on you...

Just like 3 idiots! lol

I agree with Nethra
"Ppl who suicide don't deserve to live anyways"

Suicide is a sad reality of the society,we live in.Nikhil is not promoting suicidal behaviour for sure.The ending could have reflected a positive note like protagonist getting a place in Art school etc.So that Suicide looked 'bad' from his own vantage point.But...that is changing the script.I have no right to say that:-)

@ Nethra and Saurabh
Neither do you or I or anyone for that matter deserve to live.It is the grace of God.

There weae some recent incidances in Maharashtra like this and they were very unfortunate.Good story. We must think hard about what you have written in the end.


ya it hurts to read this kind of news in the papers...but know what i think even if the last msg reach out to parents or the children for that matters things never change for this generation at least...the best thing, this msg should reach lower class students who have just started to understand world...maybe then the comming generation can be saved..

@Madhu Rao

well we can only hope it gets rarer...but you know what today itself the papers mentions 5 student suicides yesterday..

and ya the students should reach out to some at least and not take this drastic step..


Thanks...I hope it helps at least one...


Well blaming parents entirely is not the right thing to do...but we need to understand that its them who control most part of their child's life during the most stressful education years... they need to consider the childs limit ...

@ Karthik

Thanks..and really only if they understood...


Its really sad they dont implement less stressful techniques...


Well if you hate such students i wonder what will you say about Farmers doing the same...???hoping to get your reply...

@Shilpa Garg

Thanks...havent got to your 55 yet will be there soon

@Saurabh Panshikar

well i will ask you the same question then...what will you say about Farmers doing the same...???

@Dheeraj Kattula

Well a very good point there in the script part will try to keep in mind points like these....

but lets say i would have ended on the positive side as you say..maybe then there would have been no need for the suicide...
(what i mean is)the protagonist is sure he is not going to make it through...if he did have even slight hope that he would make it...then he could not have taken this step...


Yeah i got the idea from the same... i read it on 1st jan 2010...and said what a way to start with for the family...and the rest followed...


Sorry could not reply to your comments soon time will try to reply faster and earlier..


I am a psychiatrist.I took psychiatry to fight suicide,after two of my classmates in MBBS committed suicide.

I have seen many suicidal persons in my career and have treated them.I can understand the hopelessness that you are speaking about.But remember it is because of the appraisal of situation that a person feels hopeless.Situation by itself is never hopeless.

In therapy we give hope which is realistic.We help by develping coping skills.I personally do not think there is any situation where one is absolutely hopeless.

In your protagonist's case, his family would have needed counselling to show that the best interests of the boy was in allowing him to pursue his interests.

You can read some stories in category of suicide in my blog.

They are helpless. They will die anyways because they don't have money to buy food. They choose to die sooner. I don't appreciate their decisions but I understand their helplessness.
Don't compare the protagonist of this story with any farmer. We can always study enough to pass the exams. Passing isn't that difficult, i understand about topping the class and stuffs.

Realization has now dawned upon out education system and parents on performance pressure affects students so adversely.

Well done.

Good luck for BATOM6! :)

It is so easy to blame the parents!! When I look at the 20 years-old today (I'm on the wrong side of 30s), most of them have all the time for friends, computer games, Facebooks, Orkuts, Twitters, parties etc. etc. but limited time for their career. They spend more time on choosing their mobile phones than on making a sound career move!! At the same time, I must concede that they also do make bold career moves like opting for options like choreography, painting, writing etc.

The world is getting extremely competitive and the laggards lose the race fairly early, making it difficult for them to "recover". We don't have a choice; this is going to be the way forward. And yes, parents do have a very important role in helping their kids cope with all this. But, to say that this 'pressure' is avoidable, is a futile dream...

hm... dark n sad.
well writ

good luck at baton6

Hey Nikhil, this is a good post! The dark and sad truth! High expectations are always a disaster! Capabilities of the kids must be known before starting their pressures on them

It is sad to end life in such way. I am aware that parents should not pressurize children.. but sometimes I wonder what the children are aiming at? How can they have all luxuries in life without doing 'something'? I mean I can understand their disgust with school education, but they need to find out what they are good at too... You see, after reading so many 'suicide notes' on BAT 6, my perception about it is changing!

Happening and contemporary issue where the peer pressure(parents, society, media) have a bounded definition for educational achievements and success which consequentially are deciding the criteria for survival and existence rather than a comprehensive and holistic life....
We need a radical change in the societal mindset ...

Very well written.. The way you've expressed the plight of the child is good.. It kicks off well.. But the end was something which I didn't approve of.. But I do understand that for you to put across the message, it was important for the write-up to have a negative ending.. Hope some of such parents get to read this and understand what their kids are going through.. Well done.. :-)

I think d article is well crafted and encourage our parents to understand the psychological side to an Indian child b'coz that's what is ignored...Parents never think so such issues and always pressurise their kids to compel them to do somthing they couldnt do..Change in rational thinkin is what is required..

The post is very well written...very 'today'...high time parents realise that its unfair to burden their kids who already are at war with themselves due to growing competition and peer pressure...